Tuesday, 30 August 2016

“This Is Not Pain I'd Wish on Anyone Ever.” The Trend’s Panelist Speaks of Her Extremely Painful and Never-Ending Battle with Endometriosis

Endometriosis is a condition that approximately 176 million women in the world suffer from.
Unfortunately not much is known about this debilitating condition with many describing it as extremely painful period pain or even heavy periods with most of the sufferers unaware of how serious this is. The condition is caused by the endometrium (inner epithelial layer) growing outside the uterus. It can grow on the pelvic peritoneum, on the ovaries, in the recto-vaginal septum, on the bladder, bowel and in extreme cases on the diaphragm and in the lungs.
Women who suffer from Endometriosis complain of painful sexual intercourse, nausea and vomiting, heavy bleeding, chronic cramps, fatigue, and can cause infertility.
Jambi Koikai who suffers from the condition is aiming to raise awareness for this condition but today the endo-warrior was suffering from terrible pain which she talked about on her IG.
Good morning...what a terrible one for me. So leo my cramps decided to attack me early morning. I've cried,wailed,moaned,scream, writhed in pain. This is not pain I'd wish on anyone ever. I can't eat anything cos I'm on a vomit and running stomach spree. I can feel the endometriosis lesions in my shoulder and praying and hoping they don't move to my lungs,this is excruciating pain. Feels like a saw is cutting up my shoulder.My legs are numb and I can only sleep on my right side. My hot water bottle is my best friend. Hot flashes, serious heat wave. Now this pain needs a cure. Today has been terrible. I can't do much and mum always feel sad seeing me in this state. Any mother would. I'm in pain. But this too shall pass. I thought of the women in rural areas who face this pain and agony. I thought of women in prison. I thought of young women in schools who have no idea what's going on with their bodies. I thought of women in the workplace who would never be given days off. This is pain that paralyses you,makes you crawl and smell death. The many surgeries we have had to undergo are a testimony that we can overcome this monster. Help us find a cure. #endowarrior #endoqueen #endometriosisisreal #wecanfindacure

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