Earlier today, Ms. Laura Oyier was at Milele FM declaring to the world that she owes no one a cent. At the end of the show, she posed for a couple of photos and then they ever so boldly enthused that all the rumours about Laura owing people money are false.
WAH! Laura Oyier Tries To Run Away From A Drinking Bill At Kempinski , Mystery Man Has To Settle It!

With the controversial Laura Oyier! All I have to say, don’t believe everything you read..She pays her own bills!!!
So it was quite the twist of fate when a cab driver turned up at Radio Africa today demanding his money. According to the cabbie, he first met Laura when she contracted him to fetch her from Black Diamond and take her to Sleep Inn in Ngara.

As proof of his claim, he provided us with text message correspondence between himself and a number that matches Laura Oyier’s. You can check out the images below:
At the reception area, he tried unsuccessfully to reach Laura on his phone but she did not pick his calls. When he called her using the Radio Africa line, she picked up and he confronted her. Watch the video of the confrontation below:
I contacted Laura and this is what she had to say:
Furthermore, Laura protested by insisting she has her own car. A car we are reliably informed is rented…
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